Home remedies to get rid of Lizards
1 min read

Home remedies to get rid of Lizards

We all hate lizards in our homes. Its unpleasant sight at any place in the house, be it the kitchen, cupboard, or elsewhere, just leaves us horrified. So here are some home remedies to get rid of them.

1) Make small balls of Coffee Powder and Tobacco Powder. Place these balls in different corners of the house or places where you see lizards frequently. This is a very effective remedy to get rid of Lizards. (Please be careful while using this remedy, if you have kids or pets in the house.)

2) Lizards cannot tolerate the pungent smell of Garlic/ Onion. You can place some Peeled Garlic Cloves or Slices of Onions in the corners of the house. The strong smell will help in getting rid of this creature. Another way to use Garlic/ onion is to extract the juice, mix it with water and spray it at places where you see lizards frequently.

3) Eggshells too have a very pungent smell. Placing eggshells around the house helps in getting rid of lizards.

4) Another remedy is to splash cold water on Lizards. The cold water obstructs the mobility of Lizards thus making it easy to catch and get rid of them.

5) If you don’t have pets or kids in the house, you can place Naphthalene balls in different corners of the house. The smell irritates Lizard’s and they go away.

4 thoughts on “Home remedies to get rid of Lizards

  1. Thank you so much for the valuable information. I was waiting for some remedy to get rid of the lizards as we find many especially in summer.

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