09 Feb, 2025

Asafoetida/Hing-“Food of the God”

Asafoetida (Ferula Asafoetida)/Hing/Perangayam/Inguva is the dried sap obtained from the stems and roots of the Ferula plant. It is also known as “Food of the God” because of its numerous health benefits and “Devil’s Dung” because of its pungent smell. It is used extensively in the culinary world and for medicinal purposes. Though it is native to […]

4 mins read

Tips to keep your Gym Bag smelling Fresh

Sweaty workout clothes/sneakers can leave your gym bag smelling unpleasant. Most of us wash our workout clothes regularly, but what about our Gym Bags? Majority of us rarely pay attention towards maintaining these bags. But remember, they need regular cleaning and washing as the damp, warm conditions are perfect for germs/bacteria to multiply. Try out […]

2 mins read

Some Clever ways to use “Silica Gel Packs”

Do you through away the Silica gel packs that come with shoe boxes, bags, electronics, food containers, and other consumer goods. If yes, check out these super clever tricks you would love to try, instead of throwing them away. For all who don’t know, Silica gel is not a gel but a porous, granular, man-made form of Silicon […]

4 mins read

“Kombucha”- Have you tried it?

Kombucha is a fermented, lightly fizzy, sweetened black or green tea . The functional (non-alcoholic) beverage is sometimes called “Kombucha Tea” to distinguish it from the culture of bacteria and yeast. It is said to have originated in Northeast China and was initially valued for its healing properties. Its name is derived from Dr. Kombu, […]

1 min read

Tips to make Fresh Flowers Last Longer

Flowers/Roses are beautiful gifts from your loved ones, and you want to make them last as long as possible to enjoy and cherish their beauty. Fresh flowers placed in a vase, on the coffee table or in your living room brighten up the space. So to adore their gorgeous appearance in your home, I am […]

3 mins read