June 2021
Ultimate Garlic Peeling Tricks
Garlic is a part of the regular diet for many people. It is one ingredient that turns the simplest dish flavorsome with its strong aroma and taste. It is used across the world in many cuisines as a seasoning or as a condiment. For centuries, it’s been known for its health benefits. These benefits range […]
Easy treatment for White fuzzy critters (Mealybugs) on your plants
If you notice that the plants in your garden are covered by snow-like white fuzzy stuff, they are most likely being attacked by Mealybugs. These insects attack a wide range of vegetation, including fruit trees, gardenias, citrus trees, flower beds, and house plants. Mealybug infestations are common. The insects may be present in the soil […]
Quick tips to deal with Minor Cuts and Wounds
Minor cuts and burns in the kitchen/while playing, or doing any other house chores is a common problem. So, why not heal these cuts/wounds with items commonly available in the kitchen. These natural ingredients can help heal minor cuts and wounds effectively, and quickly without leaving any marks. Turmeric (Haldi) Powder: An incredible home remedy […]
All about Advance Tax
The due date for payment of Advance Tax is approaching. Below is a simple explainer on the concept and rules of paying Advance Tax. What is Advance Tax? The Income Tax Act requires us to pay our income taxes for a given Financial Year, during the year itself. So, we have to make estimates of […]