May 2021
Sovereign Gold Bonds (SGBs): Should you invest?
Sovereign Gold Bonds (SGBs) are issued by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on behalf of the Government of India. It is an alternative to holding physical gold as you are buying and holding gold in electronic form. Their value is denominated in multiples of grams of Gold. The application for the purchase of gold […]
Home remedies for Itchy Eyes and Dark Circles
It’s summer time! With the increasing temperature, irritation in the eyes is a common problem. The redness/irritation in the eyes can occur due to changes in weather, air pollution, dust, sleep deprivation, etc. Though eye drops are easily available for such problems, there are several home remedies that can help. The home remedies listed below […]
Mom’s Magic Mantra for Tummy ache
Hi guys! Today I am sharing a curative mantra from my mom’s kitchen. My mother gave it to me every time I had a stomach ache and I use to feel better in no time. I am a mother of 7 years old and believe in curing the day-to-day health issues using my kitchen ingredients, […]
SEBIs new regulation aligns Fund Managers-Unitholders interests
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has released a circular on April 28, 2021, stating that 20% of the compensation of top executives/key employees of Asset Management Companies (AMCs) will be paid in the form of units of mutual fund scheme that they oversee. Key employees of an AMC include the Chief Executive […]