Pick the healthier Milk
4 mins read

Pick the healthier Milk

We all want our family to stay fit so we put in constant efforts to follow a nutritious, power-packed, and healthy regime.

Milk is an inseparable part of our daily diet. It is a rich source of proteins and calcium. Doctors recommend drinking milk every day in order to stay healthy. Some of the commonly known benefits of drinking milk are:

    • It is extremely rich in proteins which help in strengthening the immune system and also boost the repair of damaged cells and tissues.
    • It is an extremely rich source of Calcium. It helps in maintaining and developing our bones thus reducing the risk of Osteoporosis.
    • It is a rich source of Vitamin B12 which is found in very few vegetarian foods. Vegetarians need to include milk and milk products as part of their regular diet to avoid deficiency of Vitamin B12.
    • It is a rich source of phosphorus, magnesium and Vitamin D, and various other nutrients required by our body.

India is one of the largest milk-producing countries in the world. Cow and buffalo milk are commonly used in Indian households. Often people face a dilemma whether to consume cow milk or buffalo milk. Several factors need to be accounted for before choosing the type of milk suitable for your family.

Let us first understand what differentiates cow milk and buffalo milk

Cow Milk

    • The color of cow milk is yellowish because of the presence of beta-carotene which has powerful antioxidant properties. When we consume cow milk, our body converts beta carotene into Vitamin A.
    • Cow milk contains lower fat and hence is less creamy. It has roughly 3-4% of fat content. This makes it easier to digest. It is recommended for people who want to avoid weight gain.
    • It is richer in iodine and phosphorus as compared to buffalo milk.

Buffalo Milk

    • Buffalo milk is white in color. Buffalos metabolize the carotenoids into Vitamin A and pass it to the milk and for that reason, the color of the milk is white and not yellowish.
    • It has about 7-8% fat and hence is thicker and creamy in texture. It is heavy and takes time to digest and hence keeps you full for a longer period of time.
    • It contains about 10-11% more protein than cow milk. Due to higher protein content, it is not recommended for infants or older people with certain health conditions.

Other Important considerations

Your choice of milk shouldn’t just depend upon whether it is cow or buffalo milk. Other aspects that one can consider before selecting the suitable type of milk are:

    • The Type of milk A1 or A2: Milk is classified as either A1 or A2 type based on the presence of a certain type of protein. A1 milk primarily contains a protein called A1 beta-casein whereas A2 milk contains only A2 beta-casein protein. Studies suggest that A2 milk is closer to mother’s milk and hence is healthier. A2 milk also contains a higher level of Omega 3 fatty acids which help in cleaning cholesterol deposits in blood vessels. Indian humped breeds/Desi cows like Gir, Rathi, Nellore cattle, Red Kandhari, Krishna valley, etc. are known to produce A2 type of milk. Cross-breeds of Indian and Jersey/Holstein cows, generally produce A1 milk. Indian cows/Desi cows producing A2 type of milk are recognized by a hump on their back. Cross bred cows do not have a hump.
    • Fodder used by the farms: Another important point that needs to be considered is the fodder that farms feed their cattle. Research has shown that milk supplied by farms that feed their animals on pesticide-loaded fodder could be contaminated and can cause health hazards. A farm that provides natural fodder, clean drinking water, proper exposure to sunlight to its animals is always preferable. Enquire for farms that are using natural farming techniques to get your healthier dose of milk.

Nowadays many farms are encouraging customer visits. If possible, go for a visit with your family to the farm to get a clear picture of the product that is part of your daily diet. It’s worth it.

Choose Healthy, Stay Healthy!!!

18 thoughts on “Pick the healthier Milk

  1. Good piece of information! Suggest to share some inputs on the milk available from dairy and packed ones too… I guess people residing in metros are more exposed to the same.

  2. Helpful info . Suggest how to identify the purity content, as now a days people are maintaining the fat lavel by using various methods

    1. Good piece of Information given by you…But the problem is now a dayz Society is not getting pure Milk the milk man use to mix High amount of water in it or you can say they use to mix Milk Powder in it which effect any how to your body and dose not provide proper amount of PROTEIN.. Can uh please suggest me how can we Identify which is Pure and Proper Milk…
      Thank you
      Matikant Agarwal

  3. Thanks for sharing this useful information.It helps us select the right type of milk for our daily consumption.

  4. Useful piece of info!! If you could furnish more details on how to check the milk purity, that would be great!!

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