Ways to test the Purity of Ghee at Home
4 mins read

Ways to test the Purity of Ghee at Home

Ghee also known as Clarified Butter is an inevitable part of every Kitchen. It is an important ingredient as it adds a different aroma to the food making it tastier and richer. Besides the irresistible fragrance that it adds to the food, it has innumerable health benefits. It is considered to be one of the most valuable foods in Ayurveda.

Ghee is a rich source of Vitamin A, E, and D. It is loaded with Omega-3 fatty acids which are good fat essential for the body. It is a rich source of energy. It is known to help cure diseases like cough and constipation. It boosts the immune system and helps improve eyesight. It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. If consumed in the right quantity this saturated fat can enhance the flavor of the food and deliver essential nutrients to the body.

According to Ayurveda, the consumption of ghee helps to keep the body warm from within, hence it is widely used in the winter season to prepare delicacies like Gajar Ka Halwa, Moong Dal Halwa, Ladoos, etc. It is considered equally healthy for the skin.  It helps moisturize and heal the skin and is known to promote hair growth.

However, this key ingredient of our kitchen is very much prone to adulteration. The commonly used adulterants are vegetable oil, palm oil, animal body fats, mineral oils, starchy material, etc.

Making ghee at home is not very cumbersome if you are buying full-fat milk. However, if you are consuming the ghee bought from outside, it’s best that you run a home test to ensure that it is not adulterated.


Simple ways to test the purity of Ghee at home:

    • Heat Test: Heat a teaspoon of ghee in a vessel. If the ghee melts immediately and turns dark brown, it is pure. However, if it takes time to melt and turns yellow, it is adulterated.
    • Palm Test: Take a teaspoon of ghee on your palm and rub it. If it melts, it is pure because pure ghee melts at body temperature.
    • Sugar Test: Take a teaspoon of melted ghee in a glass jar and add a pinch of sugar to it. Now shake it properly and let it rest for five minutes. If red color appears, the ghee is adulterated with vegetable oil.
    • Iodine Test to check the presence of Starch: Add a few drops of Iodine of melted ghee. If it turns purple, it indicates that ghee contains starch.
    • Double Boiler Method to check the presence of Coconut Oil/Palm Oil: Melt Ghee in a glass jar using the double boiler method (just like you melt chocolate). Leave the jar in the fridge for some time. If the ghee is adulterated with coconut/palm oil, it will solidify in separate layers.
    • HCL Test to check the presence of Vanaspati Ghee: Heat a tablespoon of ghee in a test tube, add an equal amount of concentrated Hydrochloric acid (HCL), and a pinch of sugar. Shake well and let it rest for five minutes. The appearance of pink or red color at the bottom implies that the ghee is adulterated with Vanaspati Ghee.

Key points to keep in mind while buying Ghee from outside:

    • Look for the FSSAI logo on the ghee packet. The presence of this logo on any food product represents that the product is FSSAI Licensed. Every Food Business Operator (FBO) is required to obtain the FSSAI License number and print it on the food packet.
    • Look for a green dot on the Ghee Packet. It signifies that the ghee you are buying is a Vegetarian product.
    • Check the Manufacturing date and Expiry date on the bottle/packet as it is a perishable product.
    • Avoid buying ghee that comes in a plastic bottle. You can opt for a glass jar or buy a carton pack and transfer it to a clean jar.
    • Ghee should be stored in the manner that is specified on the packet. Read the instructions on the packet to understand the right way of storing the ghee.
    • Many brands mention the breed of cow/buffalo whose milk is used for the production of ghee. If you are particular about consuming A1 or A2 milk-based ghee or looking for ghee that comes from a particular breed of cow/buffalo, look for the details on the packet to get a fair idea before buying a particular brand. To understand the difference between A1 and A2 types of milk, visit http://insightswithruchi.com/pick-the-right-milk-for-your-family.

18 thoughts on “Ways to test the Purity of Ghee at Home

  1. Ruchi very interesting and informative tips for testing the purity of ghee. Always we have doubt in our mind so i think it will definitely help to clear doubts. Thanks for giving nice information on different chapters. Have a nice day.

  2. Great info… We think abt this always, whether the ghee we use is good or not but never thought of having some checks.. Thanks ruchi for sharing such easy n handy steps… It will help everyone

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